

















谱例选自《糖果仙子舞曲》,柴可夫斯基用清晰、纯净的音色表现了糖果仙子轻盈、飘逸的舞蹈,演奏该段音乐主题的乐器是( )。

3、谱例选自《糖果仙子舞曲》,柴可夫斯基用清晰、纯净的音色表现了糖果仙子轻盈、飘逸的舞蹈,演奏该段音乐主题的乐器是( )。

A解析:A选项,《糖果仙子舞曲》是一首具有梦幻、奇妙色彩的乐曲,ABA段式。主旋律是钢片琴的清脆的声音,节奏感很强,好像小木偶一动一动的样子,在B段有明显的强音出现,音乐变得急促、紧张,在B段最后一句则是一连串快速的类似风铃般的声音,好像一位仙子出场,接着又反复A段。综上,A选项正确。B选项,中提琴是一种弓弦乐器,其音域比小提琴低完全五度。其空弦从粗到细依序是c-g-d'-a'。音色相较于小提琴、大提琴显得相对隐晦。平时使用中音谱记号(alto clef)记谱,高音域则使用高音谱记号。在18世纪中叶之前,中提琴只在管弦乐团中使用。之后随着弦乐四重奏的兴盛,成为室内乐中不可或缺的乐器。C选项,单簧管又称黑管或克拉管,在台湾又称为竖笛,有管弦乐队中的“演说家”和木管乐器中的戏剧女高音之称。高音区嘹亮明朗;中音区富于表情,音色纯净,清澈优美;低音区低沉,浑厚而丰满,是木管乐曲家族中应用最广泛的乐器之一。D选项,圆号又称法国号,是唇振动气鸣乐器,被称作交响乐中的乐器之王。铜管乐器,铜制螺旋形管身,漏斗状号嘴,喇叭口较大。圆号虽属于铜管乐器但不但能吹出铜管嘹亮的声音还能吹出木管的柔美之音。圆号声音柔和、丰满,和木管、弦乐器的声音能很好地融合。在交响乐队中 ,通常使用4支圆号。故正确答案是A选项。

《糖果仙子舞曲》选自柴可夫斯基创作的芭蕾舞剧( )。A.《胡桃夹子》B.《天鹅湖》C.《睡关人》D....

4、《糖果仙子舞曲》选自柴可夫斯基创作的芭蕾舞剧( )。A.《胡桃夹子》B.《天鹅湖》C.《睡关人》D....

正确答案:A 。

音乐题 糖果仙子舞曲是选 自《胡桃夹子组曲》,乐曲用外形像钢琴的( )演奏,展现出糖果仙子轻盈、美妙的:

5、音乐题 糖果仙子舞曲是选 自《胡桃夹子组曲》,乐曲用外形像钢琴的( )演奏,展现出糖果仙子轻盈、美妙的:




你说的应该是Street Dance 里的 Work it Out 演唱者Lightbulb Thieves推荐另外一首Sweetbox 的 We Can Work it Out,前奏是维瓦尔第的(四季:春)AhPeople stop and stare, dont be scared, dont you dare runFreaky F**king hair, skinny jeans, the ones with the 3 stripes onMans who stand on road, holla out Whats your postcodeWatching me with daggers, ballerinas busting swaggaSwagga swaggaHey ohIf we got beef, were gona mash it, mash it with style and fashionHey oh,if we got beef, were gonna take it, take it to da old skoolDance in a dancehall, battle wid a dancer, take away the beef and deal with ya angerWe can maybe work it outWe can maybe work it outWe can maybe work it outWe can maybe work it outwork swagga...AhIts the same old story, just shootin for the glorywe can always settle the matter without a single shotFired out in anger, coz of what you havent really gotlets just stop the nonsense, Mans just stop the frontinLets just take it out, Work it out on the dance floorLets just take it out, Work it out on the dance floorHey oh, If we got beef, were gona mash it, mash it with style and fashionHey oh, if we got beef, were gonna take it, take it to da old skoolHey oh, If we got beef, were gona mash it,Mash it with style and fashionHey oh, if we got beef, were g'wan take it, Take it to da old skoolDance in a dancehall Battle wid a dancer, take away the beef and deal with ya angerWe can maybe work it outWe can maybe work it outWe can maybe work it outWe can maybe work it outSwagga, SwaggaUh, if youre not from y endz boy, dont move blud, dont try to blendCoz were not the ones to mix cuz, dont do that son bounce out of hereWhat you really need to know is, youre not ready for tha showbizYou cant move,You aint cut, you aint smoove bludYoure not hot like my end isYoure not hot like my end isYoure not hot like my end isYoure not hot like my end isUh,Hey oh, if we got beef, were gona mash it, mash it with style and fashionHey oh,if we got beef, were gonna rock it, rock it to da old skoolHey oh,if we got beef, were gona mash it, mash it with style and fashionHey oh,if we got beef, were g'wan take it, take it to da old skoolDance in a dancehall, Battle wid a dancer, take away the beef and deal with ya angerWe can maybe work it outWe can maybe work it outWe can maybe work it outWe can maybe work it outWork workCoz were not the ones to mix cuz, dont do that son bounce out of hereWork workCoz were not the ones to mix cuz, dont do that son bounce out of hereWork workCoz were not the ones to mix cuz, dont do that son bounce out of here。
